Boat Units, helps with all unit conversions that are common on cruising sailboats and yachts. Simplified by excluding unnecessary metrics and instead focus on what’s really necessary. Easy to use with fast conversions supported by scroll selector, and for more precise conversion a manual entry box is available.

Application Features
There are two types of unit conversions available in this app. The first is fixed tables that helps with quick reference of standard sizes for equipment or marine units. The second is the dynamic conversion where you either select a rough value from scroller or precise value in the manual entry box.
Fixed Conversion Charts
Non-editable tables of standard sizes and units.
Supported Units:
- AWG (American Wire Gage)
- Beaufort (Wind speed)
Dynamic Unit Conversion
This is the standard type of unit conversion where you can convert any value within the supported metrics.
Supported Units:
- Area (m², mm², cm², sqf, sq. yd., sq. in.)
- Distance (nm, km, degrees latitude)
- Electrical Wire Size (mm, mm², in., sq. in.)
- Flow Rate (cmh, gph, cfm)
- Length (m, in., ft., yd., fthms)
- Mass (kg, g, lbs, st, nm, oz,)
- Pressure (bar, psi, kPa, atm, mmHg)
- Temperature (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)
- Torque (nm, kgf m, lbs ft)
- Velocity (knots, m/s, km/h)
- Volume (liter, gallons, m²)
Let us know if you feel any units or charts are missing, we would love to hear your feedback and we will respond to all. Please follow the support link at the bottom of this page to submit a feature request or report an issue relating to this app.